Milestones in the history of port
- 2017 the german Creditreform transfers PORT the Crefo certificate for very good credit rating
- 2017 PORT presents the platform GOAL with great success at the embedded World Fair
- 2016 PORT invests in the development of a new technology platform middleware "GOAL"
- 2015 25 years port GmbH - 25 years of embedded communication technology
- 2014 port has a very successful year - industrial Ethernet technologies become increasingly successful
- 2013 port gets the credit certificate CrefoCert awarded by Creditreform - Rating A +
- 2011 port is "Certified Partner" from Belden / Hirschmann
- port expanded its product range in the field "embedded Ethernet Stack" â Solutions
- The company is being reorganized and focused on growth
- OEM Business is growing continously
- new CEO at port: Dietmar R. Franke
- 2010 port expanded its product range in the field of industrial communication technology like PROFINET, EtherCAT und EtherNet/IP
- continue to expand the field of OEM, the hardware development is added
- 2009 port becomes a member of PI (Profibus International)
- new shareholders of port Marcus Tangermann and Christian Bornschein take over the companie port
- 2008 EthernetIP™ solution for standard MAC controllers and port's FPGA based MAC solution
- 2007 The first VHDL implementations of an EPL Hub and an Ethernet MAC controller were presented on the "Embedded World"
- Reference Design of an FPGA based all-purpose communication module
- 2006 port releases the complete software tool chain for Ethernet POWERLINK
- 2005 member of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)
- first software tools for EPL available at port
- first Source Code Library for Ethernet POWERLINk is provided
- 2004 port becomes a member of EPSG (ETHERNET Powerlink Standardization Group)
- 2002 exhibitor at the first Embedded World in Nuremberg, since this annual participation of port
- 2000 port is a member of IAONA (Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance)
- port introduces the first Ethernet/CANopen gateway based on an Embedded Linux at the Hanover Fair
- 1999 port is certified to ISO 9001:2000
- complete CANopen software tool chain available
- 1996 first CANopen Source Code Library available
- 1994 first time and since this regularly participation of port in the iCC (international CAN Conference)
- first time exhibitor at the Hanover Fair Industry
- 1993 first time participation at the SPS/IPC/Drives in Nuremberg and since that port participates in this fair every year
- 1992 port is a member of CAN in Automation e.V. (CiA)
- 1990 formation of the company port GmbH in Halle/Saale Founder: Heinz-Jürgen Oertel and Hartmut Tietz